Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Natural Play Spaces in the Media

I was very pleased to see on USA Today a story about the increasing trend towards natural play spaces - www.usatoday.com/news/nation/environment/2010-04-22-EARTH_GreenPlaygrounds22_ST_N.htm?csp=34.

The article highlights some of the conflicting views of playground equipment manufacturers and natural play space advocates.

It should not have to be an either/or argument. In most circumstances, using a combination of manufactured equipment within a well-designed landscape can provide optimum benefits - that can also ensure children's safety remains paramount.

The article's final comment by Linda Cain Ruth does highlight the importance of maintenance and that the importance of implementing a rigorous maintenance schedule cannot be overstated. Whether the playground consists of all natural elements, manufactured equipment or a combination of both, playground managers must ensure that playgrounds are inspected for hazards regularly and that any necessary repairs are carried out promptly.

Families can also play a part in this. If there is anything that looks hazardous at the playground, let the playground manager know as soon as possible.

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